
我來參加罷課集會,是因為我有興趣了解香港目前的情況──人們有怎樣的感受、校 園運動的氣氛是怎樣。我希望看看香港的學生怎樣在大學抗爭。


關於罷課,我認為捍衛一己權益永遠是最重要的。 而罷課正正體現我們發聲的權利。我是支持罷課的,但如果罷課太久,我也不清楚會有甚麼結果。始終學生也要學習,他們可以罷多久的課?


我覺得香港是一個很不錯的地方。我曾在許多地方居住、工作、旅遊過,而香港是當中給我感覺最安全的。但如果中國那一套要移來香港,那我 再也不知道了。這很可怕,我可能會搬去別的國家。對香港的外國人來說,如果在可見的將來政府還是沒有回應、事情還是沒有解決,我們也無法看見我們的未來。如果香港的未來危在旦夕,我們也無法獨善其身。




K,中大國際生,9 月 2 日


I am here because I am quite interested to know the current situation of Hong Kong – how people are feeling, and what is the basic atmosphere. I would like to see how students are demonstrating in the university.

I do support the cause of the movement. The protests are not only for Hong Kong, but for internationals also. It is for everyone’s rights, and everyone can be benefited from it.

As for class boycott, I think the first priority is always our right. This (class boycott) is our right. Somehow I support the strike, but if it goes for too long I don’t know what will happen. Students still have to study, how much can they afford to boycott?

I would like to support the future protests if there are any, but only if it doesn’t turn too violent. If it turns too violent, it is difficult for me to support. I am not a Hong Kong citizen, in case I got caught, I may be deported back to my own country. Being an international individual, we have higher consequences than the local citizens.

I find Hong Kong to be a good place. It is the safest among all the countries I have lived, worked and travelled in. But if China implemented everything here, then I don’t think so. It is scary. I may move to another country. Internationals are scared in the way that if these things don’t get resolved in the foreseeable future, it is difficult for us to see our future. If the future of Hong Kong is shaken, we cannot see the future of our own too.

I used to tell my parents back home, in Hong Kong you don’t have to worry, it is Hong Kong, not China, it is different. But now, everybody is worried. Before, Hong Kong police were very friendly. Now when I am looking at the police, they look totally different. I am scared. I think that is the same with Hong Kong people. We are all scared of the same thing.

I think Hong Kong people should not step back but at the same time be conscious of what they are doing. They should hold some dialogues with the government and come to some conclusions. I don’t think the government would come down to talk though, so people should bring it to the international level. Hong Kong has the international significance that people are interested, and there is a lot of international news everywhere regarding Hong Kong. People need more international support.

I am standing with the Hong Kong people.

~K, internationals from CUHK


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