105 Years After the Revolution— an Interview with American Historian Paul Le Blanc English articles, March Publication 2022 Interviewer: K, WB The interview started with the clear definition on Russian Revolution by Professor Le Blanc, “The year 2022 is the 105th anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 — which was...
“The Awakening Age” A Comparison Between the Revolutionaries An interview with a sinologist Gregor Benton English articles, March Publication 2022 Interviewer: Shui(絮) Chinese TV drama Awakening Age, which narrates the story of how the Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded in 1921, ended two months ago, but it remains a hot topic on social...
如何組織平台工運? ——訪英國獨立工人工會(IWGB) 51屆「風鳴」(21-22), 外賣平台特刊 文:絮 英國獨立工人工會(IWGB)在 2021 年 12 月 6 日發起的錫菲群(Sheffield)罷工針對的是當地外賣平台公司 Stuart 新支付系統。Stuart...
罷工是怎樣鍊成的? 51屆「風鳴」(21-22), 外賣平台特刊 文:蔡美琦 貓舉中指的海報、pandamart 門口的外賣員集會、電單車車隊一字排開等照片歷歷在目。2021 年 11 月,foodpanda 外賣員發起至少 2...