(please scroll down for the English version)











  1. 本學生自治之精神,促進校政之議政氣氛。
  2. 在學生會停運的當下,籌組具代表性的平台與學校商議中文大學學生組織的未來。
  3. 以校方 、員工和學生三方校園共治作為目標。
  4. 捍衛中大的人文陣地,重建具人本主義色彩的校園。


Declaration on Co-governance community of CUHK

Universities take on the important task of creating knowledge in modern society. The quality of knowledge depends on the quality of humans. Therefore, universities also have the responsibility of being the public sphere of society, which maintains and develops the “value” of society and hence cultivates intellectuals. “University ” originated from “universe” because of its spirit of freedom of thought, which is the foundation of a public sphere. Only in the public sphere can universities cultivate independent intellectuals. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as a modern university with a federal system of colleges, should even place more emphasis on the cultivation of “human”.

The mission of a university is rooted in the social context of a society. CUHK was founded in colonial Hong Kong. The name “Chinese” demonstrates the nature of its opposition to colonial hegemony: CUHK is destined to become a university that opposes mainstream colonial discourses: “Chinese” university is taking the mission of anti-colonialism and expectation of pursuing the knowledge of “universes”.

Youth has always been regarded as the epitome of the future of society. We are like mirrors in society. The future of society can be reflected in us. Under the operational suspension of the Student Union, and the unprecedented threats to campus public space, CUHKers must unite and demonstrate the determination to defend our right to self-governance. We should show we are independent, confident and courageous, so as to fight for our own opinions. Young people are the future masters of society. We will show our competency in order to be qualified.

The university is supposed to be the guardian of humanistic ideals, rationality, and truth. The current problem with tertiary institutions is that they must cultivate intellectuals, therefore, they cannot completely ignore humanistic values. What contradicts most is that it can only adapt to the needs of contemporary capitalist society by becoming a “vocational training centre”. By knowing this tension, we have to voice what we think: we do not agree that what we get from our university is only the compliments to our “future” employers. What we have learned from university is not supposed to be a separation between “most people” and “very few people.” As the “eternal” principal of Peking University Cai Yuanpei(蔡元培) said, “We consider ourselves to be human, guard our own personality, and represent our own human personality. We do not need to be substituted by others.”(「我們既自認是人,守治自己的人格,並再現了人的人格,本不必人代庖。」) Only when the uniqueness of everyone is equally respected, can the university be able to give full play to its functions.

Whereas the university should be a sacred place for knowledge.

Whereas the ability to create knowledge depends on the quality of the intellectuals.

Whereas the quality of the intellectuals depends on the ability of self-governance.

We hereby announce the establishment of the CUHK Student’s Joint Platform. As a platform, its missions and visions are,

1) foster the discussion atmosphere in the university with the spirit of self-governance.
2) establish a representative platform to discuss the future of the Chinese University student organizations
3) aim at the co-governance between the staff, students, and the university
4) preserve the spirit of CUHK and rebuild a humanistic campus.

It is urgent to revitalize campus civil society in the current social atmosphere. Before the students’ voices completely fade away. We sincerely invite the CUHKers to protect the public space that we cherish and value. CUHKers have nothing to lose but our dystopian imagination, and what might connect us again is the Zeitgeist, which pushes us forward.


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